FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out is an acronym/term that has evolved in recent years. It’s partly an offshoot of social media where everyone is constantly sharing how amazing their
We See What We Want to See
In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we feel bad for the prisoners who have their perspectives controlled by others. We see them as hapless victims being manipulated. However, once the
Open the Overton Window
The Overton Window is an idea named after a US political analyst, Joseph Overton. The Overton Window suggests that not everything is up for discussion. Some perspectives are permissible and
Honor the Heterodox
In a past note, we set out Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. One of the lessons this great metaphor offers is that thinking differently from the group isn’t a way
Neuter News and Choose Your Views
A week or so after 9/11, a business I was running had a small warehouse fire. A barrel of waste material was set aside at the back of our shop
Tit for Tat – The Lindy Effect
Here’s an idea to consider: trade in trends for that which is tried and true, that is trade tit for tat. The Lindy effect is an idea that suggests that
Parrots & Practitioners
I was listening to a podcast recently where a guest talked about a fascinating video he had seen on Facebook. The video was about an ant and a pen. The
The 3 F’s of Fulfillment
In the 2014 movie, The Gambler, Mark Wahlberg plays the role of a “has-been” author that’s an English professor with a gambling problem. As the movie takes Wahlberg on various
Do You See What I See?
Over the years I’ve had the occasion to travel repeatedly to many cities and towns from BC to ON for business. Even with podcasts and satellite radio available, it’s still
Towering Teachers
As we organize ourselves and others into a new school year, may our young ones be lucky enough to encounter a teacher as committed as the one featured in the