Excellence is a full time job. High performers of all kinds, athletes, musicians, actors, and other professionals are good because they are all in. They don’t take days off. Every
3 C’s of Character
The Strength of Struggle is no SOS.
Each of our sons have spent several summers working “turf care” at a local golf course. During their time they saw staff come and go. Many are University Students seeking a
Getting to Know You
Too many traditional job interviewing methods don’t seem to produce results. Randy Street and Geoff Smart authors of Who the A Method of Hiring examined over four thousand studies of
A Prescription for Job Descriptions
In a prior note, we referenced an HBR article detailing the downside to difficult employees. Real A-Team’s don’t have a Mr. T with a nickname of “Bad Attitude” on board.
Be a Solution Looking for a Problem
Anyone can point out problems. There’s little skill in saying, look there’s a car accident. But, will you stop? Will you do something more than call 911? Will you pull
BEDMAS Your Business
Having children affords one the “opportunity” of being able to revisit school lessons from one’s own childhood. It is a welcome experience to come across a lesson that remains familiar
High Marks at Hiring
If you saw a job posting that read, “Men wanted for Hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition
Earning Autonomy
In the past we noted the importance of achieving autonomy for ensuring an engaged work force. We’ve also suggested an approach for managers to use to help provide just enough
MAMA – My Actions Matter Always
Peter Thiel was one of the original founders of Paypal. He has gone on to make a number of other significant and successful investments. He has thought long and hard
Learning to Bike
Listening to a presentation some time ago, a reference was made to a survey done in the US that asked over 10,000 adults if they knew how to ride a