Blog Feed, 2 column shortcode example
Delight in Details
Success at a sport like hockey is at least somewhat tied to how one’s skates are tied. For those that are younger, there is likely a direct relationship to the amount of attention to detail allocated to tying up one’s skates to prowess shown on the ice. As one advances
Alphabet of Accomplishment – X – eXtending eXcellence
“A well-built physique is more than vanity. It shows discipline, dignity, and dedication. It requires patience, passion, and self-respect. It cannot be bought, stolen, or inherited. It cannot be held onto without constant work.” So reads a poster displayed on a wall in a gym I go to. I enjoy reading
Alphabet of Accomplishment – W – W2D WOW
This note was originally published in September 2023. W2D WOW. It’s an acronym I’ve produced over the years which stands for “willing to do what others won’t.” Value is the result of scarcity, of being rare. Being willing to do what others won’t is an expression of scarcity. The hope
FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out is an acronym/term that has evolved in recent years. It’s partly an offshoot of social media where everyone is constantly sharing how amazing their lives are. When we’re scrolling through our various feeds all we see is the terrific experiences and glamorous lives of
V – Victory is Validation of Values
Our values precede our choices which fuel our actions. In other words, we do what we value. Consciously choosing our values is vital to becoming the person we want to become. In fact, our values are the seeds of our success as Adam Grant notes in Hidden Potential, “Success is
We See What We Want to See
In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we feel bad for the prisoners who have their perspectives controlled by others. We see them as hapless victims being manipulated. However, once the freed prisoner returns to share his new, expanded view of their world, it’s no longer the puppeteers that are managing