South Park is an animated TV show that has been around for more than 25 seasons. It started in 1997 and continues today thriving on satirizing culture. The producers have
Monthly Archives: March 2023
Escape the Experts
One of the staples of teaching in law schools is what’s known as the Socratic method. Professors teach by posing questions. They don’t just list off bullets from power points.
Become a Sage of Rage
Would you like to get better at controlling your anger? How has anger cost you in the past? Have relationships been affected? Has your ability to grow credibility in the
Fixed, Flexible, and Freestyle: A Framework for Decision Making
Perhaps you’ve enjoyed participating in or teaching a Junior Achievement course in the past? Junior Achievement is a not for profit organization that offers learning programs for children in over
Who’s the Boss? III – Deleting Distractions
In the past, I served on a board with someone that was a lawyer and partner in a Halifax based firm. He was a litigator that had earned the Q.C.