Owning your own premium finance company is highly profitable and gives you more control over your business. You decide which accounts you want to finance. You determine the loan structures and rates.
The best part is, Broker Builder makes the process easy and painless. There may be no large capital investment and you could be up and running in as little as a few days.
Having your own premium finance service is a great way to increase income and not create any extra work for your organization.
Broker Builder enables you to earn significant additional income on business you’ve already worked hard to get. Before Broker Builder, that income was walking out the door.
Owning your own premium finance company is highly profitable and gives you more control over your business.
In House Premium Financing is simply making agency billed business an additional profit center for your brokerage. Convert receivables into revenues by taking control of the billing process. It’s doing the same differently to achieve substantial additional profits.
Benefits of Broker Builder
Profitable Projections
Satisfaction Guarantee
Industry Experience
Low Cost
Separation from PF
With Broker Builder, doing the same differently results in substantial additional profits.
Triple Performance
Satisfied Customers
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“Outstanding as usual Ben! I highly recommend regular reading of your articles!”
Thom Young, Co-Founder Lundgren & Young Insurance.
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